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Comics before besides

Before Comicomix, before "20", we liked doing comics...and besides "20", besides The Parody, we enjoy ourselves with other strips..Comics are our passion, and we hope you'll enjoy these ones too!!


Feline Rage

When there wasn't

A comic that is a little quirky but also a little thriller...Follow the adventure of the masked hero, and enjoy his mishaps...with an improbable end!!


Remember me

Besides , a "serious" comic dedicated to "all the lonley people,where do they all come from, all the lonley people, where do they all belong"...


Genesis of an ordinary comic

Some days ago it was Jolly's birthday and Rosi give her this little comic...We hope you'll like it like her!!


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we update our comics and pictures very often.....If you want, you can subscribe our newsletter
See you soon with other strips !

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