Italian version

Hi! Give a smile, it's simple !

You only have to send to Comicomix a picture (or a comic, ora strip, or an image). You have to do nothing else.

For every picture or comic we'll receive, Comicomix will give 2 euros to

Fondazione per la lotta al neuroblastoma

Comicomix will publish all pictures and comics that will arrive in this page, pointing out name, surname, age and residence of the authors. At the end of the year, we'll send a grant equivalent to the number of the pictures published.

There isn't a specific theme, but if you want one, we would like that you'll send us picture about children and the children world.

I want to give a smile...What do I have to do?

You have two choises:

Send your picture to Fam. Cipiciani Via Colle di Fossato n.20 06132 Perugia Italy ... Besides the picture, send us your name, surname, age, residence and your e-mail address

On the other hand, you can send yuor work to our e-mail
In the mail point out your name, surname, age, residence and the picture in jpeg form

We don't use your data and we don't send them to everyone. We need them only for the pubblication on our site. We don't communicate your mail address to everyone

If you want to see the pictures Click here

(The page is in italian, but it's contains only pictures made by all people (young or not, famous or not, that give us a smile!)

Other websites that give smiles (note: Italian web site!): Give smiles in every way this comics and videogames site, great Joker You find him also in Give smiles to a lot of children and to poeple who need it also Clown margherito

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